Virtual Learning
Our students will be tutored by Christian teachers whose focus is to create an experience that is academically rigorous and integrated with Christian principles. Nearby Dekalb and Athens-Clarke County students in need of childcare during the pandemic may qualify for SUPPORTING ONSITE LEARNING FOR VIRTUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM (SOLVE) state funding to help pay for that care. Through the Cares Act, Gov. Kemp allocated between 17 and 19 million dollars to the Department of Early Care and Learning to provide scholarships to families. The scholarships, range in amounts but the average is $118 per child. In order to qualify, a family needs to meet 85% of the state median income, your child or children must go to a school district that is 100% virtual and parents have to be meeting either the criteria of having a job or attending post-secondary school. Parents can apply at The scholarships are for three months. Depending on circumstances and funding, they may be approved for an additional three months.
Christ-centered learning environment
Credentialed tutors and supervisors
Class sizes are limited to 8 students
Uniforms are required
Parents may register for enrollment on or before August 1. Please note the application procedures below:
1)Schedule a visit or tour of the facility
2)Complete and return the following application form with the registration $50 and technology $100 (waived testing fees)
Enrollment Application Medical Authorization Form
Certificate of Immunization or Medical Exemption Form 3231 or Religious Exemption Affidavit Form 2208
Eye, Ear and Dental Examination Form
(K5) Field trip permission forms
Family Agreement
External Preparations Form
Care Plan (Food Allergy, Asthma, or Diabetes - if applicable)
Pastor or Church Leader Reference
Request for Student Records Form (if transferring)
3) Apply for scholarship online at
4)Schedule Admissions Placement Test
5)Notification of application acceptance or denial
When we return to on campus classes, students should arrive at 7:30 a.m. to complete the COVID-19 screening process (wellness questions, temperature screening, sanitize backpack, hand washing, and face mask exchange) before proceeding to chapel at 7:45 a.m. The school day ends at 2 p.m. Extended care programs are available until 5 p.m. Email inquiries to Dr. Penn at