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The Shepherd's Academy homeschool support program combines the best attributes of traditional Christian education with the best attributes of homeschooling and integrates them into one model. The result is high quality, cost-effective, college-preparatory education that gives parents more time for imparting their own faith and values to their children. Students are able to develop at their individualized pace. Families can select core courses required by Georgia law in addition to co-curricular classes. Fourth through twelfth grade students meet for university model classes one day a week. Tutors are often available throughout the rest of the week. Due to the pandemic students attend classes virtually via videoconference. Instructors begin and end each class in prayer. Parents and the school collaborate toward a mutual goal: to produce competent, and virtuous followers of Christ who will change the world in their generation. Academic placement testing appointments, extended care, and small group tutoring begin August 3. 

Expected Student Outcomes

Our student(s) ….

1. Are well prepared in all academic disciplines, and are skilled in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking.

2. Are proficient in mathematics and science.

3. Have a knowledge and understanding of people, events, and movements in history (including church history) and the

cultures of other peoples and places.

4. Appreciate literature and the arts and understand how they express and shape their beliefs and values.

5. Have a critical appreciation of languages and cultures of other peoples, dispelling prejudice, promoting interethnic harmony, and encouraging biblical hospitality for the “alien” or “stranger.”

6. Personally respond to carrying out the Great Commission locally and around the world in a culturally sensitive manner.

7. Know how to utilize resources including technology to find, analyze, and evaluate information.

8. Are committed to lifelong learning.

9. Have the skills to question, solve problems, and make wise decisions.

10. Understand the worth of every human being as created in the image of God.

11. Can articulate and defend their Christian worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.

12. Understand and commit to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

13. Know, understand, and apply God’s Word in daily life.

14. Possess apologetic skills to defend their faith.

15. Are empowered by the Holy Spirit and pursue a life of faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness,

brotherly kindness, and love.

16. Treat their bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

17. Are actively involved in a church community, serving God and others.

18. Understand, value, and engage in appropriate social (community) and civic (political) activities.

19. Embrace and practice justice, mercy, and peacemaking in family and society.

20. Value intellectual inquiry and are engaged in the marketplace of ideas (open, honest exchange of ideas).

21. Respect and relate appropriately with integrity to the people with whom they work, play, and live.

22. Have an appreciation for the natural environment and practice responsible stewardship of God’s creation.

23. Are prepared to practice the principles of healthy, moral family living.

24. Are good stewards of their finances, time (including discretionary time), and all other resources.

25. Understand that work has dignity as an expression of the nature of God.

1st-4th Grade Class Schedule

Temporarily suspended-Please complete the contact form in order to indicate interest.

Students participate in lively drills and interactive lessons. Homework is assigned to be uploaded in Edmodo prior to the next class. Standards aligned technology, oral presentations, and field trips are used to support project based learning.

· Phonics and Reading—Daily practice helps your child reinforce the phonics concepts that develop their reading skills. Students will read aloud books containing classic and modern stories and poetry that are keyed to phonics sounds.

· Language—Student will know learn how and when to capitalize and how to write complete sentences and even short stories!

· Spelling and Poetry—The 32 phonics-based word lists with activities reinforce reading skills and teach spelling. Starting second semester, vocabulary words complete with definitions are added. And students will memorize 7 delightful poems!

· Writing—Abeka's step-by-step cursive approach to good penmanship emphasizes neatness and correct letter formation in daily practice.

· Arithmetic—Learning place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and fractions this year will become a positive experience because of Abeka's clear instruction and planned practice.

· History—Your students will read about the people who built America and gain a better understanding of American holidays, patriotic songs, and flag etiquette.

· Science—Students will boost reading comprehension while developing thinking skills as each student thinks through the “how” and “why” questions behind the basic science of the human body, plants, animals, matter, energy, and space.

· Health—From regular flossing to proper eating, from crossing the street to fire escape plans, from learning to apologize to properly answering the phone, your students will learn how to glorify God in how they take care of themselves and in how they treat others. 

5th-6th Grade Class Schedule

Please see the handout above.

Reading—Reading from classics, modern stories, and poetry gives students a window on his world and presents him with Christian ideals and spiritual values. All that plus increased reading comprehension and vocabulary development!

Grammar and Composition—Students learn to use their language naturally from the useful, practical way that grammar is taught in conjunction with composition, research, and oral usage.

Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry—A straightforward teach/practice/test approach makes spelling “second nature” to your young writer. The interesting weekly lists cover such topics as home, French words, food, and more. Your child will also learn to spell, define, and use 10–20 vocabulary words in each lesson. And what an accomplishment when he can recite from memory all 6 poems!

Penmanship—Daily penmanship practice begins with a review of “trouble-maker” formations and then graduates into creative writing and journal entries.

Arithmetic—Challenge your child with decimals, more advanced word problems, and basic geometry, all taught step-by-step. As in the other skills subjects, the Abeka program ensures repetition and maintenance of basic skills and builds a foundation of understanding necessary for more abstract concepts.

Science—Your child will learn all about the mysteries around him—worlds of plants and animals and insects. 

History—The 300 colorful pictures illustrate the journey from the beginning of recorded history to the present. Along the way, your child will meet explorers and leaders and missionaries. Told from a Christian perspective and combined with geography and map activities.

Abeka's 5th grade level curriculum will be used in this combination class. This engaging curriculum, built on a solid Christian worldview, will guide your child through the Eastern Hemisphere, their first research paper, pre-algebra concepts, and much more!  The teacher will differentiate instruction based upon your child's interests, abilities, and performance level.

7th-9th Grade Class Schedule

Please see the handout above.


Literature—Stories about people—pioneers, patriots, professional athletes, etc.—entertain, inspire, and teach young people. Great storytellers like Dickens, O’Henry, and Kipling will develop your child’s vocabulary and reading comprehension. Discussion and essay questions build his thinking skills.

Grammar and Composition—A solid foundation in traditional grammar teaches your child how language works and develops his logical thinking. A variety of writing applications ensure that his communication skills are strengthened.

Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry—Knowing the best word is often what distinguishes the best communicators. The 20 weekly spelling words and 10 vocabulary words from literature will take your child one step closer toward that goal. He will also learn from memory 8 poems, including “If” by Kipling and “Chartless” by Dickinson.

Basic Math—Advance confidently into algebra through work with polynomials, square roots, and simplifying equations. Your child will be introduced to basic geometry and trigonometry in problem-solving exercises that apply concepts. Constant reinforcement of essential skills lays the foundation for success with new concepts.

Life Science—Your student will get a clear presentation of life science and how all of life from insects to plants to people work together within God’s order and design. 

World History—Help your child learn about the past from a Christian perspective and plan for the future in light of Christian principles. His study will take him through the halls of history to meet the Egyptians and their pyramids, Rome and its empire, Johann Gutenberg and his printing press, America and the Industrial Era, and more.

Any 10th-12th grade student with a minimum of a 3.0 unweighted GPA is eligible for Toccoa Falls College Dual Enrollment. High school transcript required. *SAT/ACT scores are NOT required for 10th- 12th gr. students. Courses are completed online in two accelerated 8-week sessions (designated as session A and session B). Courses with prerequisites—requiring transfer credit for or the completion of a previous course—are specified with an asterisk (*). Dual Enrollment courses are approved for Georgia Department of Education funding at Toccoa Falls College. On-site teachers with education credentials will monitor students, proctor exams, and provide support (e.g. proof reading assignments) as students complete online courses in a supervised setting. They will also implement student-to-student tutoring to ensure that each student receives the attention he needs. Course offerings are subject to change. Dual Enrollment courses are approved for Georgia Department of Education funding at Toccoa Falls College.

Tentative course study groups are available as follows:

Dates and times to be announced

Session A 

MAT 133 College Algebra 16 week

PSY 113 General Psychology 8 week

REL 123 New Testament 8 week

Session B

ENG 213 World Literature 8 week

SCI 243 Earth Science 

Peer Tutors are available in the following courses for $10/hour

Study Group A TFC Course name and code, credits, prerequisite, and high school equivalent

ENG 113 Freshman Composition I 3 23.03400 Advanced Composition 

MAT 113 General College Math 3 27.0A714 Dual Enrollment Mathematics 

HUM 103 Western Thought & Culture 3 45.0D914 DE Social Science

POL 213 American Government 3 45.05700 American Government/Civics-confirmed

COM 113 Intro. to Communication 3 23.04200 Oral/Written Comm. (Speech)-confirmed

Study Group B TFC Course name and code, credits, prerequisite, and high school equivalent

COM 113 Intro. to Communication 3 23.04200 Oral/Written Comm. (Speech) 


Please note: In light of recently proposed legislation TFC and other colleges are beginning to restrict participation to 10th gr. And above. 9th graders are no longer eligible for dual enrollment as of March 13, 2020. They would need to attend classes on Tuesday with the 7th-8th grade home school study group.

Any 10th-12th grade student with a minimum of a 3.0 unweighted GPA is eligible for TFC Dual Enrollment. 

Submit the following items to make it official:

Complete the online GA Futures funding application at 

Online Application at

High School Transcripts

College Transcript (if previously dual-enrolled)

*SAT/ACT scores are NOT required

1st - 6th Grade Bible 

Students complete a New Testament survey, presenting major Bible concepts from each New Testament book. Lessons include: God’s plan for redemption (foretold, revealed, completed, personalized), God’s Promise of Faithfulness, God’s Path to Completion, God’s Provisions for Restoration, The New Covenant, The Messiah, The Church, The Christian Life and more. The goal of the ACSI Purposeful Design Elementary Bible series is for every student to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, developed and nurtured by engagement with the Bible in this series.

Themes and Concepts

The following themes and concepts are woven throughout the series both directly and indirectly:

• God tells His great story in the Bible. God’s Word displays His nature, His works, and His plan of redemption.

• God’s Word is truth. Because God’s Word is true, the series presents students with Bible truths, not Bible stories.

• God loves everyone. God loves and cares for people. His desire is for all people to have a right relationship with Him. His intentions toward every person are always gracious and good.

• Everyone needs to come to a saving faith in Jesus. The series often presents the message of repentance, personal faith, and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

• Christlike behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics are all applications of spiritual growth in Christ.

• Bible study, prayer, and worship are disciplines for spiritual growth.

• Students need to know and understand spiritual concepts.

Class meets Monday (1-3 gr.) or Tuesday (4-6 gr.) 

8:00-9:00 a.m.,

7th-12th Grade 

Tru-U Apologetics 

Can we prove the existence of God, or are we left to grapple in the dark and take blind leaps of faith about what we believe?​

Everyone asks these questions, and maybe you think you have the answers. But can you defend your beliefs when peers and professors are challenging your worldview? Focus on the Family's TrueU video curriculum offers an introduction to apologetics (a defense of belief in God) that aims to help students understand develop a Biblicalworldview. Three ten part series covers the existence of God, reliability of the Bible, and Jesus.

9th-12th grade Small group meets Fridays 2:00-3:30 p.m.

Physical Fitness

Students will focus on the concepts of physical fitness with an emphasis on healthy living, good sportsmanship, and faithful stewardship of their bodies (God's temple 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Students will also learn the rules of different team and individual activities.

Skill objectives:

Develop endurance and Christian character

Develop listening skills and the ability to follow directions

Develop respect for peers and instructors

Learn good sportsmanship Matthew 7:12

Develop confidence and self-esteem

Develop self-control and self-government

Develop good health habits and physical strength

Develop physical skills and coordination

Develop general knowledge of rules of games and sports

Complete presidential youth fitness program

Course requirements:

To maintain a positive Christlike attitude while developing

To participate and obey the rules of the class

To work diligently on the requirements of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program

A student who scores in the Healthy Fitness Zone® (HFZ) in at least five test categories of the FITNESSGRAM® assessment is eligible to receive the Presidential Youth Fitness Award.

Class is held  1:30-3:00 p.m.

4th-8th Grade 

Junior and Senior

National Beta Club 

The National Beta Club's purpose is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, Christian character, leadership development, and service among elementary and secondary school students. Membership is an indication of a student's demonstrated leadership potential and academic success. Members must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and be on track to becoming a college prepared honor graduate. Being a Beta member, though, is about more than earning good grades. To remain in good standing with Beta Club, academic achievement, superior character, and servant leadership must all be demonstrated. Servant leadership is best defined by Jesus Himself: “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for all nations” (Matthew 20:26–28). In the Christian realm, all leadership should be servant leadership.

As a demonstration of character and leadership, Beta members are required to participate in service projects (Matthew 5:16). Each student must participate in a minimum of 10 BETA CLUB service hours per semester. Beta Club projects are projects that our club has agreed to help with and that are announced at our meetings. Tutoring or other club projects, Boy Scouts, church functions, helping your sport with a fundraiser, etc. will not count as service projects for Beta Club. Only projects selected and announced at Beta Club meetings count. Hours do not carry over.

Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Service Projects

October - Autumn Leaves Memory Care 

November - Operation Christmas Child and Trinity Outreach Norcross Thanksgiving morning serve the homeless Food, Toy, and Clothing .

December - Hagar's House and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Date/Time TBD

January - Special Olympics

February TBA

March TBA

April TBA

May - March of Dimes 

Supply List​

New King James Bible

4 2” 3-ring presentation binders

1 package of pencils

1 package of colored pencils

1 Set washable, broadline markers, 8 colors

1 Dry erase marker, any color - low odor please

1 Pair of scissors -- Fiskars, please

1 Bottle of school glue

2 Glue sticks

1 Pencil box

4 Two-pocket folders

2 Reams of white photocopy paper

Book bag or backpack

1 Large box of facial tissues

1-40 count Container of Wet Ones Moist Towelette antibacterial wipes (for hands)

1-75 count pop-up Clorox wipes

1 roll of Bounty brand select-a-size paper towels

Dress Code

At The Shepherd's Academy, we desire that students have a standard of dress that is modest, neat, and honors Christ. Parents/guardians, as the primary educators of their children, play a key role in this area of standard of dress. It is important for parents/guardians to guide and supervise their children in the selection of appropriate clothing. The guidelines below are intended to clearly outline the expectations of TSA.

Standard Dress Code Requirements

● Students must be in compliance with the Standard of Dress prior to entering the school and continue until the end of the school day.

● School uniform pant or knee length short (Girls jumper or skirt) in khaki or navy blue may be purchased anywhere school uniforms are sold

*Pants may not be denim, knit material, or leggings

● Collared Shirt - polo shirts, button up oxford (small brand logo or TSA logo only) in white, red, or navy (cranberry and cream are acceptable)

● Sweatshirts and hoodies (ONLY TSA logos/branded)

● Outerwear such as jackets and sweatshirts; must have TSA school logo if worn inside.

● Winter coats and raincoats do not require a logo but may not be worn in the building.

● All clothing must be properly sized, modest and unrevealing in cut, fit, and texture.

● Modesty is expected at all times at any school event or function including any co/extra-curricular activities.

● The Standard of Dress is for all school days unless special dress is approved by the administration.

● Safe shoes for running and jumping should be worn daily. No open-toed sandals, flip-flops, athletic slides or shoes/boots with a heel.


BOYS Guidelines:

1. Hair styles should be neat, clean, moderate, and a natural hair color. Hair length should conform to the following

guidelines: above the eyes, above the earlobes, and if possible above the middle of the collar of a dress shirt.

2. Facial hair should be neat and cleanly trimmed.

3. Hairstyle should not be distracting to the individual or those around him. This includes drastic changes in hair color

or style.

4. No extreme hairstyles are allowed (e.g. man-buns, mohawks, etc.), and this will be left up to the discretion of the


GIRLS Guidelines:

1. Hair should be neat, clean, moderate and a natural hair color.

2. Hairstyle should not be distracting to the individual or those around him. This includes drastic changes in hair color

or style.

3. No extreme hair accessories or choking hazards (e.g. beads) will be allowed.

4. No extreme hairstyles are allowed, and this will be left up to the discretion of the administration

Jewelry, Tattoos and Body Piercing

Students who choose to pierce their ears or noses during the year are not allowed to wear spacers while at school or at

school sponsored events. Parents need to be proactive in preventing a potential problem by not allowing inappropriate,

new, or piercings not in accordance with school guidelines.

Jewelry Guidelines:

1. Earrings are appropriate for girls only and may have a maximum of 2 earrings in each ear.

2. Girls may wear necklaces, but jewelry should be chosen with discretion and not be distracting to others.

3. “Choker” necklaces are prohibited.

4. Chains protruding from pants pockets are not permitted.

5. Any other “body jewelry” is never appropriate and is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to nose rings.

6. Boys’ chains/necklaces may not be exposed.

Tattoo and Body Piercing Guidelines:

1. Body piercing is unacceptable and may not be visible.

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