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Physical Education

Register below for PE and Total Health Class

Physical Education 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Students will focus on the concepts of physical fitness with an emphasis on healthy living, good sportsmanship, and faithful stewardship of their bodies (God's temple 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Students will also learn the rules of different team and individual activities. Coach Penn facilitates strength activities that help to improve the students’ overall strength. Physical education class also emphasizes proper diet, body weight, and health issues. Students participate in regular discussions on the relationship between body weight and body fat, and how this relationship affects holistic health.

Skill objectives:

Develop endurance and Christian character

Develop listening skills and the ability to follow directions

Develop respect for peers and instructors

Learn good sportsmanship Matthew 7:12

Develop confidence and self-esteem

Develop self-control and self-government

Develop good health habits and physical strength

Develop physical skills and coordination

Develop general knowledge of rules of games and sports

Complete presidential youth fitness program

Course requirements:

To maintain a positive Christlike attitude while developing

To participate and obey the rules of the class

To work diligently on the requirements of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program

A student who scores in the Healthy Fitness Zone® (HFZ) in at least five test categories of the FITNESSGRAM® assessment is eligible to receive the Presidential Youth Fitness Award.

Class is held Tuesdays 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Student Name and Grade Level*

Parent or Guardian Email Address*

Second Parent or Guardian Email Address*

Primary Phone*

Second Phone

Medical Condition (care plan and medication required)

Thrive Tribe-Total Health 2:30-3:00 p.m.

The purpose of this class is to present the Bible as the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. This class will deal with the integration of the physical, mental, social and spiritual dimensions of life. Dr. Penn will promote social and emotional well-being by leading students through a guided cool-down discussion and stretch time. Students are encouraged to glorify and love God with their spirit, soul, and body. 

The Total Health Middle School textbook is used. students who submit the assignments will recieve 1/2 credit for the course. Total Health Presents biblical truth about bodily health for teens in the context of right relationships and healthy behavior. Trustworthy curriculum encourages right choices, reflects eternally significant value of knowing Jesus Christ. Authored by experienced Christian educator (Susan Boe) with a view to providing strong Christian health curriculum materials. 

Course Planner


Chapter 1: Welcome To The Human Body

Chapter 2: Eleven Systems: One Body


Chapter 3: Nutrition

Chapter 4: Fitness and Exercise 


Chapter 5: Infectious Disease

Chapter 6: Noninfectious Disease


Chapter 7: Stress and Anxiety

Chapter 8: L.I.F.E. Management


Chapter 9: Made In His Image

Chapter 10: Head To Toes


Chapter 11: Risky Business

Chapter 12: What’s Your Responsibility


Chapter 13: Maturity: What’s it All About

Chapter 14: Changing Relationships


Chapter 15: Building Your Spiritual Muscles

Chapter 16: Reaching Your Potential

Student Evaluation

Quarter grades are determined using the following categories:

• Homework (50 percent)

• Quizzes/Tests (25 percent)

• Discussion PArticipation (25 percent)

There is a system. Homework will be taken up and will be checked for completion. There will be random homework quizzes to check

for accuracy; but will be scored under homework. In order to help with student organization, binder checks will occur at least once each quarter and will count as a Test grade. Each quiz score is determined based on the number of questions and evaluates students homework habits.

Test will mostly be response based questions and multiple choice questions. Extra credit is never an option, no exceptions.


Electronic Device Policy

Cell phones will be placed in a basket at the front of the class upon entering for PE.

Weekly COVID Waiver

Student Name(s)*

Email Address*



Liability Waiver

Physical Exam and Vaccination Records Required

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...the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5 (NASB)

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